Saturday - Thursday10AM - 6PM
OfficesNayanichala, Nichatnagor, Turag, Dhaka- 1230, Bangladesh.
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The more we give, the happier we feel! SF FASHION strongly believes, volunteering increases self confidence and natural sense of accomplishment. Therefore, we practice CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) to enhance the image of our organization and for our own satisfaction.

By following the labor acts properly, we try to gain employee satisfaction through financially helping our employees’ family and their children’s education purpose, their health and safety. Similarly, during winter and summer we donate warm and summer clothes to reduce the sufferings of the poor, since we know this attempt might not alleviate all their problems, but may decrease their sufferings to a little extent. Hence, during the whole year, in different occasions we spontaneously distribute and serve good food and clothes among the street children and orphans.

In addition, our organization also contributed first aids, helps and supports when the Rohingya refugees took shelter in Bangladesh.

SF Fashion is an international Garments Manufacturer trusted Buying house having located in Dhaka, Bangladesh since very long times and working with the European and Japan based with valued customer/buyer confidently.
OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?

48, 79, 193, Nayanichala
Nichatnagor, Turag
Dhaka, Bangladesh

+ 88-01999993611, +88-01977992214
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