Saturday - Thursday10AM - 6PM
OfficesNayanichala, Nichatnagor, Turag, Dhaka- 1230, Bangladesh.
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Nisha Fashions Wear

Industry Overview

The ready garments (RMG) sector of Bangladesh began its Journey in 1978. At the beginning of RMG era in Bangladesh, the number of factories was very tiny and their production capacity was low as well. As time passed, Bangladeshi RMG sector earned enormous acknowledge around the world due to the quality of good it has produced and this allowed the industry to expand. In present time, the RMG sector of Bangladesh is just behind China among the rank of global RMG product manufacturing countries and according to McKinsey report in 2011, Bangladesh is the second largest RMG manufacturer after China and the report suggests that Bangladesh will become the largest RMG manufacturer in the world. (Achim Berg, 2011).


Market situation

Nisha Fashions Wear guarantees fair business practices while offering quality products: gives it a distinct market advantage. The factories that base their production model on keeping product cost as low as possible.

Nisha Fashions Wear has received wide support and there is increasing interest among buyers who want to purchase and distribute products made by us. Some of the comprehensive buyers that exist with our factories as include:

USA Market: Wal-Mart, Sears, K-Mart, Cato, Meijer. Hudson’s Bay Company, Ecko, Target, Gymboree, Macy’s, Walt Disney, Perry Ellis International (PEI) etc.

Europe Market: George, UK., Tesco, Canada House, Sipec (Italy), Sprider (Greece), New Top Treading Ltd., Seppala, Liwe Espanola S.A, Peek & Cloppenburg, No Excess, Its Noize, Visage Imports Ltd. GPM, Jenken Crossby, Vanca etc.

SF Fashion is an international Garments Manufacturer trusted Buying house having located in Dhaka, Bangladesh since very long times and working with the European and Japan based with valued customer/buyer confidently.
OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?

48, 79, 193, Nayanichala
Nichatnagor, Turag
Dhaka, Bangladesh

+ 88-01999993611, +88-01977992214
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